Sunday, December 18, 2011

December Celebrations: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and review

December 12-16, 2011

This week was fun!  We took pictures, did lots of crafts, listened to stories, had fun with friends, and on Friday we celebrated a birthday!  This week the morning session finally got back together when my daughter got over being contagious.  We had a new friend join us.  On Thursday, a friend from the morning session joined us in the afternoon class.  We're going to enjoy our new friend.

Here are the pictures of the week:

Making wrapping paper with roller brushes

Listening to "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

Taking pictures together (we're missing a member)

Next class making wrapping paper

Taking pictures with this group

Playing together

This group listening to the story

Burning off their energy

Making Christmas chains

A new friend in the morning enjoying the craft

A new friend joins this group

They love to paint the wall with water

My daughter wakes up, joins the class, and this group decides to sing and dance :)


Enjoying his cupcake

Opening the class gift

We reviewed the letter Gg and worked on the letter Ww.  We made the words "get" and "wet".

It was VERY windy!

This group loved using the roller brushes, so they got to do this again.

End of the day - play - they all worked together!
We also played a dradle game and won some M&Ms.  We made Christmas gifts to mom and dad and wrapped them with our homemade wrapping paper.  We also read a story about Hannukkah and Kwanza and sang some Christmas songs.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jj Jets 12/9-13/11

In this blog entry, I will show you what the sandpaper cards look like and the children tracing them as well as the letter tracers, workbook, preschool worksheet, and my attempt to work with a child on his pencil grip.

For some reason, the Tuesday/Thursday class didn't do centers on Thursday (pegs in peg board/puzzles).

Compared to August, the children are getting quicker in their routine.  We now have extra time to freely play with toys.  This is very exciting for the children.  I thought about adding singing songs and music, but that would require more circle time.  I can see them learning while they play together, which is so important for this age group.

Center: scooping rice from one box to the next with spoons

Center: puzzles

Playing with our friends

Art: bleeding tissue paper on diffusing paper in the shape of leaves.  For some reason the reds turned pink. 

Flying our jets

Flying his jet

Playing with our friends

Tracing the letter at the chalk board

Tracing the sand paper card and saying the letter out loud

Tracing the sand paper card and saying the letter out loud

Using a letter tracer for proper letter formation

Pre-Ker using the workbook

Preschooler with the fisted pencil grip.

gentle correction

He held this position for a little bit!

Centers: puzzles and pegs in peg board

Circle time chart teaches so much when we sit in a circle.  The children love this!

Art: making a kazoo by painting a toilet paper roll, glue a waxed paper at the end and punching a hole in it.  It sounds like a commercial made kazoo!!

painting her kazoo

I forgot to add the children playing after they finished everything planned.  There are some great things going on: communication, thinking (cognitive), the use of their hands (fine motor)...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Theme: pets and the letter "Pp" 11/28-12/2

This week we worked with wikki stix, practiced scooping popcorn seeds with scissor scoops, and practiced transferring them with a spoon.  Our theme was "pets", so we made a puppy puppet, pet rocks, read books about pets, and went to the pet store for a field trip.  The theme starts with the letter "Pp", which is the letter we worked on.  Outside we threw bean bags and played with the new stilts.  Enjoy the pictures of our week.  {For more pictures, view our Facebook page}

scooping popcorn seeds

 forming letters with wikki stix

 eating our snacks

 stilt walking

 bean bag throwing
 puppy puppets

 morning class playing with blocks

 morning class playing in the little house

 More pictures with the other class

 field trip to Petco
 painting the tree with water
 water table play
 practicing - letter "Pp"

 Some of our pet rocks
My favorite - it looks like a fish