This week we talked about yo-yos and playing different games ranging from board games, to Duck-Duck-Goose, to made up games.
I showed them a book that teaches fancy yo-yo tricks and showed some You-Tube videos of a guy teaching different tricks. I talked about how you can learn many games from reading books about it and watching demonstrations on the computer.
Another book I read is
See the Yak, yak? It features homophones like See the... "duck duck " or ..."fly fly" or ..."badger badger".
For art, we did a dip dye. I folded up a paper towel into a square. I laid out 6 small containers of different food colors mixed with water. The children walked around the table to the colors they wanted and stuck the four corners into the colors. The colors were absorbed by the paper towel. When they finished, I unfolded the towels and laid them on the trays to dry. The second art project represents fire works, since 4th of July is coming up. I mixed glitter paint with the matching regular paint and I put small blobs of different colors all over a black piece of paper. They used a tool called a spreader. They dragged the paint out in all directions from the middle to create fireworks. Then when they finished, I sprinkled the wet paint with glitter.
Next week, is our last week of school. We will review our letters, numbers, colors, shapes, colors, and cutting. We'll go over two of our songs to sing at graduation. Besides reviewing, we'll talk about our Fathers and do a Father's Day gift (shhhh, it's a surprise).
Enjoy this week's photos:
Dip and dye |
The other class |
Playing indoors red light - green light (walking), initiated by one of the girls. |
Walking in the pretend river |
Playing with the water yo-yos I gave them |
boing - boing - boing - boing!! |
Making fireworks |
Happy Birthday to you! |
She got two wishes, because after she blew it out here, it lit back up as seen in the next photo. |
One of my clever little boys didn't want to eat his icing, so he put Elmo's face in the remaining icing. Too cute! |
Yeah! Yo-Yo's in this class! |
Gathering water for one little boy's mountain in the sand box. |
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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