This week was supposed to be "Nn is for North America". I followed the curriculum's suggestions like the books to buy and the music. I discovered that the books are not meant for preschoolers. They are meant for 3rd graders who have some learned history under their belt. I ended up finding pictures of beautiful locations around North America, posting them on
Facebook, and sharing them with some of my classes. What I did to change the plan was to show them some pennies, talk about the memorial and Lincoln on the pennies, show them how they spin and roll, showed them pictures of President Lincoln, built a log cabin with Lincoln Logs, and had the children make a one dimensional picture of a log cabin with craft sticks and glue. This week should have been "Ll is for Lincoln". Let's just say that when I have to do the year two curriculum, I will be changing everything about the letter Nn theme, so that I don't have another lesson fail.
Here are the pictures for this week:
Our new friend - I wish I did better on the focus. I'll have to take this again. |
It rained this week and was too wet to go outside. |
Snack time with friends. |
This is what fall looks like in Southern California in October. |
Here's another example of fall or autumn - my Fuji apples are getting their red color. |
My roses are blooming, so I thought this would be a good photo. |
Here's another one. |
Watering my tree. |
Nn is for newspaper. |
Nn is for nose. |
They LOVED acting for me! |
Nn is also for notebook... |
...and nest |
Having fun spinning pennies. |
Making a colorful "log cabin" with paper, glue, and craft sticks. |
Our writing letters were N and M. Here they are building the letter M with Wikki sticks. |
I don't think there's any MWF p.m. class pictures here. So sorry.