Here are the photos from that week and I'll explain some of them:
I purchased caterpillars to go with the theme: "Cc is for Caterpillars" that goes with the week after the review week. The caterpillars quickly turned into a chrysalis (cocoon) and there was one caterpillar left in this cup:
This was also the week that we took photos. Here is the photographer doing her work:
Free choice:
Making a color telescope:
This group is continuing with learning how to rip paper and used the ripped paper in an art project. Our first project was making a hand print tree (see way below). In this project, the children are ripping a dark blue, light green, and a dark green construction paper square. Those pieces will be put together to make the ocean. They also ripped a white square to make the clouds. They also colored a sailboat, which was glued onto a stick. My assistant was able to glue them onto the stick, so the children could take them home. We cut a slit at the top of the ocean and the stick slid inside. The child could make the sailboat "sail" by moving the stick back and forth.
A finished piece:
We also took pictures of your children holding their hand print trees. Those art pieces have been mailed to one of my students' Father's ship to give to sailors as a gift.

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