Saturday, December 14, 2013

Rr is for Rainbows

This week we learned about the letter Rr, which is the last letter in the little Bob book called Dot - set 1, book 3, by Bobby Lynn Maslen.  We also learned the number 10 and reviewed squares, rectangles, and pink.  Some of the site words that I have introduced to the children are: "the", "a", "I", & "has".  If they are in the books you are reading to your children, point them out and ask if they remember the word.  If not, tell them and have them repeat you.

Our theme was "Rainbows".  We used the colors in the rainbow to paint the boxes that are for the children's Christmas gift to you.  You can see the photos here - but the gift inside is a surprise.

I listened to a podcast episode that reminded me about the importance of free-play.  When children are given the opportunity to play with a group of peers that are at the same age/developmental level and with toys that they don't normally have at home, a lot of wonderful things happen.  They work together, negotiate, come up with ideas, think outside the box, and get excited.  This week, we set out specific toys and had them play with each other.  Since our group is small, setting out specific items forces children to work with and play with each other instead of spreading the play area thin by allowing free choice with all of the toys. 

Practicing our skits for the next week's performance:

Having fun during snack time:

The Preschool Class sharing during circle time chat, singing songs, and having library time:

Being assessed:

Math game:

The next week's blog is about the letter Bb, baking, and our performances.

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