Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dd is for Dinosaurs

This week, we read a couple of books on dinosaurs and did a dinosaur sized art project.  Our phonetic letter was the letter Dd, our number was the number 10, and our writing letters were the letters "k" and "O".

Here is how our week went:

The Monday p.m. class didn't get a chance to do the art project from last week, so they completed it during center time.  The morning Monday class and both the a.m. and p.m. Tuesday classes worked with scissors for their center.  This is the second week we've worked with scissors.  The first week we let them figure out how to use them, pretty much on their own.  This week we've stepped in a little to give some guidance.

The Tuesday/Thursday morning class has a new friend!  Here are some pictures:

On Wednesday morning and afternoon, the children drew on the driveway for our center.  I planned on having the Thursday classes do the same, but it was pouring rain!  The Thursday classes were able to have free choice for centers.  Here are pictures of the Wednesday class drawing with chalk:

I LOVE this picture!  He is so engrossed in what he is doing and having a blast!

For art, the Wednesday class painted with tools that gave paint different textures.  They painted on dinosaur sized paper that was donated by some parents.  The paper is photography paper.  Ironically, the parents' child is in the Thursday class and we couldn't go outside to paint, so I had to improvise.  Here is the Wednesday class painting:

Wednesday was also one of our friend's last day.  Here are some pictures of our friend playing during outside time:

During rainy days, the children play with the toys inside.  On Thursday, while the children played, I set up the art project that was supposed to be outside.  I had some red butcher paper that I used.  It wasn't until Thursday afternoon that I realized I probably could have used the large photography paper.  I used that in the p.m., instead (again - irony - since the paper is from the parents of a child in the a.m. class).  Here are pictures of the a.m. and p.m. Thursday classes:

One of our six textured brushes.

Here is the Thursday morning finished collective art work.  I wish I could have saved it to use for wrapping paper this coming week, but there wasn't any place to let it dry, since we needed to use the tables later.

Here is the afternoon class adding to the photography paper that the Wednesday classes painted on.  Maybe I can use it for wrapping paper.  We'll see...

One of our rainy day play times:

The Friday classes have been doing science, which the kids LOVE!!  This week we did the motion kit.  Thank goodness for these kits!  They're so simple and easy to use.  The morning Friday class will be finishing up the experiments during center time, this Monday, because we didn't finish.

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